Incognito - Anti Spyware targets real threats from real spy technologies. These technologies are often marketed as an employee or parental monitoring tools but can be used in more sinister ways.
Incognito - Anti Spyware is THE anti-spyware application that protects you against real spyware that can be installed on your phone or tablet by anyone with a credit card. Incognito will;
✓ Protect your privacy from commercial spyware tools.
✓ Stop people from spying on you.
✓ Return your cyber privacy.
Incognito is the Anti Spy App that detects and removes malicious Spyware software.This app contains ads and does not require any specific permission.
Protect your privacy now with the easy Incognito - Anti Spyware Scan.Incognito targets and removes spyware and only spyware.
We can really help you PROTECT YOUR PRIVACY.Check it out.
NOTE: This application does not collect personal data of user by any medium.
隐身 - 反间谍软件针对真实间谍技术的真实威胁。这些技术通常作为员工或父母监控工具销售,但可以以更险恶的方式使用。
Incognito - 反间谍软件是反间谍软件应用程序,可以保护您免受任何人使用信用卡安装在手机或平板电脑上的真正间谍软件的侵害。隐姓埋名;
使用简单的Incognito - Anti Spyware Scan.Incognito定位并删除间谍软件和间谍软件,即可保护您的隐私。